The Violin / Cello / Dbl Bass are perfect examples of fine craftmanship and
music joined together,
As such we offer all services for the repair and restoration of these beautiful instruments
Rebuild and Remanufacture fingerboards
Rebuild and Remanufacture Bodies Inlays Purflings
Recut nuts and bridges for easy string action
Rebuild and repair body tops sides bottoms
Restring Instruments and rehair bows
Any repair needed can be easily undertaken in our dedicated workshop
We also specialise in budget repairs to keep your instrument going.
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No matter how bad, it can be fixed
Rebuilding a Cello with a multitute of cracks and refinishing
"How to"
Make Violin Fingerboard
"How to"
Shape Violin Bridge
Some "HOW TO" of Violin repairs
"How to"
Geared Peg Mod Cello
"How to"
Adjustable Feet Dbl Bass
"How to"
Cello Neck R & R
"How to"
Replace Dbl Bass Saddle