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Before we close up, functional test of truss rod installed in neck, I add a couple of clamps to prevent it from coming out of the neck.
Sliced into a couple of strips and add some titebond glue
Ideally a gentle tap is all that is required to seat the new maple strips
Clamp and allow to dry for 24hrs
After 24hrs, remove clamps and plane the insert down to the neck height
Flat sand the neck in preparation for fingerboard attachement
With some strap clamps I align the fretboard with the neck, these clamps allow the fretboard to sit exactly where it sat before
Drill through some of the fret markers to pin the board in place
New truss rod is installed
Better view, new truss rod and new carbon fibre inserts..
The truss rod also needs to be packed with maple to seat it into the manufacturers groove, so a scrap piece of maple wood
Titebond glue and clamp board on.
The neck needs to be opened up to receive the new head as well, so we just chisel the area clean
After 24hrs we remove clamps

Where the fretboard and neck join, you will always get some paint chipping
"How To" Repair Broken Truss Rod