"How To" String Ferrule Fitment
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String ferrules are used to hold the ball end of a string within the body of a guitar and prevent damage from the strings occurring.

This guitar is having the bridge replaced from a top loading bridge to a under load bridge.

Time to repair approx 1 hr
Like so.
The back of the bridge has no capacity for strings to pass through.
From underneath you can see 6 holes located under the saddles
The mounting holes are also slightly different between the two
So simple masking tape around the original bridge location for reference
Place new bridge into the masked area
Black texta to indicate drill points
Between the threads of the mounting plate screws we have a thickness of 2.57mm..
Original tele with top loading ashtray style bridge plate
From the back of the bridge you can see 6 string holes for the strings to feed throogh.
The new bridge being fitted, ashtray style  bridge
So we drill an appropriate sized hole (2.6mm) to the depth of the screw, utilize some tape to indicate when to stop drilling