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Repairing a hole in the top, can be a very satisfying job, as you are taking something that looks really bad and making it functional again, with not a real lot of work required.
This Taylor had an accident, and a hole has been punched into the top, lots and lots of splinters and little pieces laying around, also unfortunatley not all the wood is there.
Time to repair approx 3 hrs over 3 days (glue / paint drying times)
Remove the pickguard for final paintwork
Identify the breaks that stiull exist in the top.
Use titebond glue and apply into the cracks
More cracks
Through the puzzle pieces of the old broken top, find your first piece and titebond it into place.
Continue with your second piece and so forth.
Magnets are more than sufficent for holding the broken sections in there location until the glue drys.
As one section of glue drys move onto the next section.
Sometimes I will steam and heat the joints I have fitted earlier and reclamp them, so they have better alignmenet with each other.
Start with removing strings/bridge pins/saddle.
Visual assessment also identifies cracks eminating from the broken sections
Also use some alcohol to clean up and glue residue.
Last piece fitted, missing two pieces.