"How To" Make Guitar Mold Fixed
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Stacking them three deep will give approx 56mm
Repeat, never waste wood, the second core can be put aside for next custom mold needed.
I leave them both to dry overnight.
One core - ready to be shaped
I start by splitting the sheet in half, my mold will open from the centre.
With a little spot of glue, put it back together
Allow 3-4 hrs drying time.
In the mean time, with some masking tape and paper, I trace out my desired mold, in this instance a Martin 000-18M
Local Hardware store, one sheet 18mm mdf can make two fixed molds - Cost $25 a sheet
Cut the sheet into 6 even pieces or even ask them to cut it at the hardware store for you.
Using titebond, I glue 3 sheets together
Transfer that across to my core.
Simple every day spray paint
You can use fixed shape guitar build molds, or free form universal molds when making a guitar.

I personally like free form molds, it means I can shape the wood as I feel and let it sit and look at it with very little design constraints, fixed mold is about replicating an exact shape, which is benefical for those that build this way, or for undertaking extensive repairs on an exisitng guitar.

Time to Build 4 hrs over 2 days (glue drying times)