"How To" Spline Snapped Headstock
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Using a spoke shave I smooth it out further.
Semi smoothed out.
Wrapping a block of wood with 120 grit sandpaper, flat sand the surface.
Smooth and sanded.
Lightly Shellac the surface, to seal the cleaned wood.

For more info on shellac and making a 2 pound cut, click this link.
Before any refinishing is done, we re-assemble the headstock and guitar.
Fit new strings and tune to pitch
Allow the guitar to sit strung up for 24 hrs, if it holds on then its finished repair
Rough the splines out, I use the corner of a belt sander.
Rough shaped..
Clean the volutes with a file.
Remove clamps.
Once headstock is known to hold, we do the refinishing work

Customer is okay to see splines, so some stain mixed into the lacquer, allow to dry and sand smooth and refit hardware.