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Sometimes wood needs sprucing up, that is visually its a little lacking, one of the cheaper ways of achieving this is using a veneer, drop tops can cost upwards of 400 dollars, veneers are around 40 dollars.

In this instance we are going to veneer the top of this project guitar body.

Time to repair approx 2 hrs over 3 days (glue drying times)
With some 220 grit sandpaper, the top is scuffed in preperation of the veneer.
Veneers come in all forms, from Burls, to Birdseye to Flame. The most popular veneer is Flame Maple.
We take a sheet of Flame Maple and lay it on a flat bench.
Find the centre point of the guitar body.
And the rear, apply pencil lines to these areas.
Laying the Body on the Veneer - aligning the marks to the centre line of the bookmatched veneer.
Draw a line around the border of the guitar
Like so.
I have a visitor in the shop, so we are going to put him to work, thanks Morley.

Here morley is softening the original binding to remove it from the top.
Body with binding removed
Make sure all the surface has been sanded clean.
Using scissors, we reomve the bulk of the waste area
"How To" Body Veneering