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Banjo Skins can be synthetic or natural, either can be stained
Our customer wants a stained look to his skin, so this is the process we utilize to achieve this
Time to repair approx 2 hrs over 2 days ( drying times)
Like so
Some trans tint Medium brown
We dilute around 30 drops to the water, you can put the skin in the water before or after adding the stain, putting it in before allows some darker patches to appear
Allow to soak for 2 hrs
After 2 hrs we remove the skin and allow it to dry, this is so we can assess whether its dark enough or needs o be soaked longer
Next day it has dried, and this is what the finished product will look like
To fit it to drum head, we follow the attached tuitorial
Finished like so, the brown blotches are because we had the skin in the water before adding the stain,
This Goodtime Banjo has a synthetic skin
We remove the skin as per our tutorial on skin change
We cut a natural skin to suit
Fill a sink with luke warm water