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Start with setting the truss rod to neutral
Neutral posiiton measurment
Indicates relief of approx .014”, this means in the neutral position this neck is slightly arched, totally normal for a Bass guitar, Bass guitars need relief, so its typical to have some relief dialled in at the neutral position.
When I refret a guitar, I set the truss rod to just engaged and then make everything perfectly level around it, that way at job completion, the truss rod in the neutral posiiton has very little relief.
Adjusting the truss rod in a clockwise direction to its stop point.
We now introduce backbow, which can be visually seen here with a straight edge, the straight edge comes up off the body, as the 8th fret area is arched upwards.
For quantification, we measure again
We have backbow of .0095”
Winding the truss rod in an anti clockwise direction until again its stops
Winding the truss rod clockwise adds backbow
Winding the truss rod anti clockwise gives relief.
I mark the top of the fretboard, so my measuring tool goes to the same spot each time.
Using the straight edge we can see light under the ruler at the 8th fret area.
So here I have a truss rod on a bench to show whats actually happening
This truss rod is in what we call the neutral position, this is the position where the truss rod nut is actually loose.
Measuring again.
We have .028” indicated
So truss rod is assessed as working and functional
Using the above noted findings, with the 3rd and 14th fret position as our points of reference.
It adjusts the neck in the direction of Relief .014”(Neutral) to Max Anti Clockwise .028 equals travel of .014”
It adjusts the neck in the direction of Backbow .014” (Neutral) to Max Clockwise .009 equals travel of .023”