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I ream the existing oval hole oversize with a 4mm reamer
Insert that piece of brass into the post
Soft solder is adequate, hard solder is fine but I typically find it unnessary
With a file, I re-profile the outer post shape
Examination of the head of the Screw rod shows its pretty average, we will make a new Screw rod for this key
With some Brass rod, we cut a small lump off the end
Removing the Screw rod fully, it is evident the key has been used a lot as the post hole is oval and worn.
Clean round hole
We attach a drill guide jig, references of the back hole and puts a guide over the front plug
Drilling to appropriate dia of rod
Yes this is the rod from Type 5 Repair, Rod screw is rusty and loose
Selection of drill rod sizes, in 2 thou increments
Rod that fits is 86 thou of an inch
With a file we face the inside of the post square
Fit our rod to a nice tight post
Fitted key
Rod that does not fit is 88 thou
Using an 88 thou reamer we drill the Hinge tube out
Some test thread blanks
I like it to be an ever so fine press fit, so here I am using a hammer to gently tap it home
Test fit the 88 thou rod, no side play exists any more, nice tight fit
Filed and ready to be re-drilled
Type 5 Repair, a repair where a Screw Rods support post is heavily worn
Type 6 Repair, A key that has play between Rod screw and Hinge tube removed by making a new Rod screw
This specific drill guide was donated to me by Matt Slauson, Matt does Youtube tutorials and here is a link to his work