Saxophone Mechanical Restoration
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Next key, Side C lever
As its a threaded post we dont want to damage the threads spinning a face cutter attached to a rod, so we face off the post with a file, hand skills are very important here to maintain that square edge
Durston Jewellers roller
As the key is a solid Hinge rod, we can roll the metal to stretch it
Side key no longer fits, it is too long.
Small scraper and its cleaned away
Removing the solid key
To indicate I have finished the key, I leave the Rod screw fitted
End gap exists again
Face off one end
Longer tool for facing the other end
A steel cutter cut  to replicate the shape of the screw
We redrill the ends
Until the Pivot screw seats fully home and does not lock the rod up
Clean squared edge
Snug fit
With the Pivot screw inserted it binds the Hinge rod up, so we need to redrill the ends of the key to allow the screw to travel in further
This key finished
Side F# key

This is a Hinge tube on a Screw rod with a good fit, so this is a repeat of Type 1 Repair
Finished view of that key
Thumb Octave Lever

Another key, Rod screw in a Hinge tube
Clean and square
Type 2 Repair, a repair where we lengthen a Solid Hinge rod