Saxophone Mechanical Restoration
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Wall thickness is 0.5mm
With hard solder, join the parts together
Some Hinge tube key facing, some sanding ,we have a tightly fitted key
I also work on the tone hole at the same time, some black texta to mark the perimeter
600 grit sandpaper on a smooth disc
Small side motions to sand the surface
Refitting all the parts, we now have a squared tube, on a squared post on a cleaned rod
Like so
I counterbore the key end so its square and neat
We turn up a matching extension on the lathe
All the black texta is gone, flat and level
I debur the inside and outside of the hole with sandpaper stuck to my fingers
Clean and smooth
I touch up all my key extension repairs with some silver electroplating
Fit a new pad
Reslot that Rod screw
Effective length now
Buff the key
Fit the whole assembly
With a leak light inside the bore, we float the pad so it touches at all points at the one time
Removing the key, we have glue squeeze out around the edges of the pad