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Also thin down the top profile
We mark out our string guides, this template comes in handy, you simply roll the bridge over it and it leaves indenations accordingly.
We smooth those marks with our files.
You can cut and shape the ears, but I do not recommend this if you have not done it before, Factory shape is more than adequate in most situations.
Then string her back up.
I shape and file the Bass side down for an end of fingerboard measurement of 3.4mm
And the treble side down to 2.6mm
Some final smoothing by hand
String it back up
OIl the fingerboard
Clean the body
Back into its case, finished.
Using our outer edges we remark the shape of the bridge.
Rough it down to shape, I use just a disc sander.
Little bit of hand smoothing.
There is a shape profile rule in Violins, Cellos and Basses, , its called the 8% rule.
You can buy preshaped templates, that have this shape alteration incorporated.