"How To" Strap Pin Removal
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Affix the sliver of wood and allow 24hrs drying time.
Using a razor blade, I start shaping the insert up.
Finished / sanded and patched.
I need to create some end grain marks to trick the eye into believing its one piece of wood, I achieve this with a razor blade and digging it into the surface.
Follow up seal with some shellac
Allow to dry, mask the area up to protect against any unwanted damage and start the sanding and refinishing process.
And we complete with some colour and clear.
We then smooth the chiselled area with sandpaper, I use 220 griit.
Using a small sliver of mahogany, I am going to patch over the surface.
Titebond again.
At this point, you need to be confident in your hand skills and finishing skills before going any further.

This is to be an invisible repair, the human eye finds circles and faces and other distinctive shapes very easily, so we need to trick the eye.

I start by chiselling a slice of wood out of the neck at the new insert location.
Follow up with some sandpaper, 400 grit this time.