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Guitars / Banjos / Mandolins often compromise of Laminates, one of the reasons for using laminates is it adds strength but it also allows for manufacturing costs to be reduced.
An issue with Laminations is they can split between the layers, in a perfect world we would seperate the laminates and reglue them under vacuum, however in the repair world, it is never perfect situations
To repair laminates you have to find a means of injecting the glue in, that is really the most difficult part.
Time to repair approx 2 hrs over 2 days (glue drying times)
Squeezing and realeasing the wood will work the water down to the lower layers.
Main tool for injecting our glue in, is an air nozzle with a suction cup fitted.
Putting pressure on the suction cup so it forms around the split, we apply 10 psi of air pressure and force the glue in.
Wipe the surface clean of glue before fitment of any clamps.
You can see the glue squeeze out as the first clamp goes on, exactly what we are looking fo.
Repeat to all splits as required..
After 24hrs drying time, we can start the refinishing process.
Flat sand smooth all clamped areas with a flat block and 600 sandpaper.
A few delaminations exist around the circumference of the bowl.
We need to start the wicking process, easiest way to do this is to squeeze a wet rag over the surface, the wood starts the absorbtion of the water.
Good old fashioned Titebond glue, is more than sufficient for this repair.
No need for an airbrush or spray gun for this one, we dip a cloth into nitrocellulose lacquer, or an acrylic if you wish and simply rub it into the surface.
String her up and finished.