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Tune each string to pitch.
Intonation wise, we press at the 12th fret
The saddle is indicating sharp, so we need to move the top of the saddle further away to the back of the guitar.
Remove string and bridge pin.
Simple needle file selection.
I file the crown of the saddle on an angle to shift the crown point further back. I also lower the height as I file the crown
Rsestring and check 12th again.
Perfect E
Refit it to the saddle slot.
Refit everything and string the guitar up.
Checking my action height at the 12th, I have 130 thou, so plenty of room to sand the saddle down to size.
Repeat for all string positions.
I drag the piece of bone until its shaped to a 16 radius.
I then remove the saddle and start to define the crown better
Smooth the edges off