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Measuring the width of our fret dot material.
Drill the hole at our reference point.
A single drop of superglue.
Insert fret dot material.
And snip it close to the surface.
Repeat for the full board

NOTE - 12th marker should have two dots.
The original pearl marker was 7mm wide
I always carry spare pearl markers, these are left over pieces of pearl from doing inlay work, I run the cnc router to cut small circles out of the remnants.
Then continue the marks over the edge and across our originally scribed line.
Fret dot material comes in various sizes, colours / shapes, the most commonly used material is plastic and is readily available in white and black of two standard thickness's.
We select an appropriate drill bit, same size or larger  than our fret dot material, this allows it to be a drop fit into the hole.

This drill bit is fitted with a depth stop (green bit), this prevents us from drilling too deeply.
Using a 7mm drill bit with a depth stop fitted, we drill the holes..
Like so.

Insert pearl into the new hole
"How To" Install Fret Markers