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This guitar is now on Day 2 of the program 21 degrees Celcius and 50 percent humidity.
Make sure its squeezed dry, you want just a damp sponge
At day 4 we remove the guitar from its controlled enviroment and assess its overall condition
Humidity is now good and we can start doing the structural repairs it so badly needs
The crack in the top has closed up quite significantly, it can now be glued.
The fret ends are no longer as proud, but they still need to be smoothed out, click the link for a DIY Sharp Fret End repair
Most repair shops, have a special humdified room or cabinet to rehydrate your guitar.
This is a far better scenario, as we are also rehydrating the neck and not just the body
This can be achieved at home as well, using a simple dehumidifier and a small closet, but you must keep an eye on the humidity
The unit on the left, is our unit, we can program it to run a certain humidity for a period of up to a week.
I run the program first to bring the guitar up to 45 percent for a day and then up to 50 percent the following day and leave it sitting at that humidity range for 2 days before I commence any repairs.
Suspend the sponge between the strings
In the two minutes it took to mount the sponge and fit the humidity, the reading has traveled from 35 to 47 percent humidity
5 Minutes later the humidity inside the guitar is now 64 percent.
Again, I am not a fan solely becuase of the rapid change in internal humidity, but it works just fine and has been sold in many forms of packaging over the last 30 odd years
Once the sponge is dry, check humidity, refill the sponge and redo the process.