"How To" Fret Level
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Using a file, we reshape the frets into a curved shape, this process is called crowning.
Clean and smooth the frets of all file marks, you can if you want go up to 2000 grit sandpaper and repeat or even buff the frets, the choice is yours.
One cleaned fretboard and smoothed frets.
Use a decent oil and relubricate the fretboard.
All fret levelled / cleaned and re-oiled.
The frets that were worn are now smooth and ready for some more playing.
Again all black paint gone, levelled frets.
Slowly reshape the fret without removing any of the top, this is the flat levelled surface, you can also purchase crowning files which have a curved shape to them.
With 1000 grit sandpaper, some detergent and water, we clean the frets and fretboard.