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The string tuned to pitch just clears the fret, exactly what we are after.
I part some mahogany from a scrap piece on the bandsaw.
With a plane we thin the scrap on an angle to achieve our desired measurements.
Test fit in the socket
Some sandpaper on an old bridge is handy for light sanding and shaping.
Further tweaking can be achieved by dragging it over some sandpaper and lightly pressuring the spots you want thinned.
4 drops of superglue to hold the shim in place
And I lightly clamp until dry (5 minutes)
So redo the shims using slightly thinner and a different angle, again annotate measurements
String it back up.
Of comes the neck and time to make a full size shim
Whilst its clamped, drill some clearance holes through the back into the shim.
At pitch the string is now hard on the fret, so our angle is too great or our shim thickness is too large
Neck back on.

With a height gauge, we are starting out at 10 thou.
"How To" Bolt on Neck Shim