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Place the nuts into the drill chuck,
Repeat for the other mounting location.
Insert the neck to the drum and check fit.
I fit a washer and screw to each insert.
Feed the co-ordinator rod through the back of the drum shell.
Remove the bottom nut at the neck end and wind the co-ordinator rod fully home.
On the outside shell area, we are going to place the string tailpiece over the end of the co-ordinator rod.
Simply put in place and wind the nut home.
Wind a couple of nuts onto the threaded section of our anchors.
Roll the coarse thread onto some soap, this reduces friction when cutting
And then drive it home into the freshly drilled hole.
Refit the 5th Peg.
With the internal width being 3.55mm, I am going to use a 3.6mm drill bit, drill the base hole through the drum shell and into the neck.
String the banjo up.
Check the string height at the back of the neck. you can see the height is extremely high in this photo. Almost 8mm