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The 5th string on Banjos can have Spikes fitted under the string or an adjustable Capo, this is to allow the string to be placed into a fretted position during the performance

The capo is a commercially available aftermarket part but it requires permanent installation and modification of the instrument.

Time to modify approx 30 minutes
Using some clamps, set the banjo on its side
With some tape, apply it over the fretboard at approximately the 9th fret
Lightly hold the capo up against the side of the fretboard with the masking tape.
The front edge of the rail should sit as close to the point where the neck curves in, but, still rest on the flat section
Lightly tape the front and rear of the rail in place, aligning the edge of the rail with the lower edge of the fretboard
Functionally test the capo, can it bring the string to the board at all locations and wind of sufficiently to prevent interference of the string in the open position.

Relocate as required.
Kit comes with three screws, two flat heads one countersunk
Measuring the screws minimum width between the threads
The customer has purchased and supplied a Shubb adjustable 5th capo
The part is a rail which is screwed into the neck and an adjustable arm which slides on the rail to compress the string.
Wind the adjustment screw on the capo until it is completely loose
We drill an appropriate sized hole into the side of the fretboard at the middle location
Railway Spike Option.
"How To" Install Banjo Capo