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We get lots of broken Bassoons in, here is a tenon replacement
Broken Tenon, with broken section machined away
Back to our Bassoon

Some raw Maple wood cut up to machine
Truing and facing the damaged tenon area
Preparing the raw maple
Turning it cylindrical
Measuring bore for needed insert size
Transfering that number to th other lathe
Facing up to the desired circumference
Test fitting the joint
Inserting recess for cork
Starting pre-drill
Boring internals out
Bored and corked
Test fit again
Parted off
test fit
Prepped for final boring and shaping

Yes for those that are observant, different Bassoon being done in this photo.
Finished awaiting paint work
Painted / re-assembled and test played

Bassoon Tenon Replacement

Refinishing is one of our specialtys, whilst not a Bassoon, this guitar shows a classic example of what we do
Some people ask why dont I use a ring or bearing around the wood to protect it when machining, I typically do, however if the wood is alread cracked and needs refinishing then I wont use the bearing

More accuracy is achieved without bearing than with  when boring the inside out
What crack, what finish work, is the ultimate statement to be made about ones work